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Established: 1994

Our Room: 4th floors of Facilities for Student Activities

Members: 15 people



  • Our club mainly consists of students from Hitotsubashi Univ. and Tsuda Univ.

  • There are two main activities. 

 Firstly we publish some journal 4 times a year. You can read them here.

 Secondly, we set up a booth at school festivals in Hitotsubashi Univ. You can see our activities here.

  • If you join us, you should participate in our meeting. We have a meeting on every Friday. (5:30 P.M.~6:30 P.M. ) But if it is not convenient for you, you don't have to attend it.


You can contact us on e-mail( or twitter(@labomba.hit.u).




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